The vault is our newest addtion to StampReady. It allows customers to pick, mix and match from a selection of hundredths of rock solid modules. Authors around the world are dedicated to create the world's best modules for StampReady, in addition for great rewards and prizes.
To opt-in for our Author program, which unlocks developer features in the Dashboard.
Go to Account > Settings > Become an Author.For direct support regarding Vault development you can contact Kevin on Skype: live:.cid.edfc5378ddccc654
Submission Requirements
In order for us to approve your modules, we expect it to be fully compatible with our latest editor. It should be submitted per module, not per template. If your module has been rejected you'll receive an email why and how you can improve it.
Submission Requirements
Submission Per ModuleWhen you're submitting a module, make sure to only upload the contents of that specific module. Exclude any external CSS, meta and body tags. On the right side you can see a clear example how a module should look.
StampReady FrameworkWe offer a rock solid framework that you have to use for your work. Custom CSS is not possible.
Download The Vault framework here. -
FormatThe main table has to be 100%. The inner table should be 640px. Everything inside the inner table is where your code goes.
Fully Editor CompatibleEvery module has to be fully optimized for the latest StampReady editor. Note that images and icons that contain a solid color should include the data-color tag, so customers can colorize their images.
The data-thumb tag is not required anymore.
Because we want to unify as much as possible, we require common headlines to contain the tag data-size/color="headlines" and common paragraphs data-size/color="paragraphs". -
Browser CompatibilityEach module should be fully compatible for all major browsers and email clients. This includes Apple Mail, Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook.
Outlook Background SupportWe require that all background images support Outlook. An example can be found here.
Google FontsWe only support custom fonts hosted on Google Fonts. We use display swap.
Royalty Free ContentContent included in the module should be royalty free.
LipsumParagraphs should contain Lipsum. Content such as headlines, buttons, sublines has to be written by yourself. For example, headlines can't read Vivamus vitae eros sit or something similar.
For support or questions you can email authors@stampready.net.
<!-- main table of 100% width --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" data-module="My First Module" data-rank-order="1"> <tr> <td> <!-- secondary table of 640 pixels --> <table width="640" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="center"> <!-- your code here --> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
Unification of Tags
In order for modules to work seemlessly by authors around the world, we require a certain unification regarding standard tags such as headlines and paragraphs. We require singular, plural and Capitalize.
Header HeadlineThe headline of a header. Singular, because it's never used twice.
Header SublineThe subline of a header. Singular, because it's never used twice.
Header ParagraphThe Paragraph of a header. Singular, because it's never used twice.
Header ButtonThe Button of a header.
HeadlinesHeadlines for common modules, such as Intro's, 2 Column, 3 Column, Outro's, etc.
SublinesSublines for common modules.
ParagraphsParagraphs for common modules.
TitlesTitles are the secondary headlines in a module with a different style attached. Often used for multiple column headings.
SubtitlesSubtitles are the secondary sublines in a module with a different style attached. Often used above or below Titles.
ButtonsButtons for common modules.
Ghost ButtonsGhost Buttons are the buttons without a background and with an outline.
LinksPlural, because we can expect the customer to insert more links.
DividersOften a small colored border beneath a Headline or Subline.
UnsubscribeThe Unsubscribe link. Singular, because it's never used twice.
BodyThe outer background color of a module.
BgcolorThe inner background color of a module.
Please, pick a few modules from the Vault and use them in the Editor to see how they work.
There are multiple streams of income for Authors, let's go through each of them:
Per Vault ModuleWe pay $12.5 per module that is fully compatible with StampReady and all major browsers.
Per Vault TemplateOn top of that we pay an extra $25 if the approved modules under the same Theme Name contains one of each of the required types.
However, if your navigation is inside the header, simply add a column or banner module. The required module types to be eligible for this bonus are:
- Navigation
- Header
- Introduction (foreword, often a single paragraph with content what the campaign is about)
- 1 Column
- 2 Columns
- 3 Columns
- Banner (quote, call to action, etc)
- Outroduction
- Footer
- Unsubscribe (often a thin bar containing the date and company name, etc). As well as a piece of text such as Terms of Agreement and/or a logo
Template bonus will automatically be added to your monthly invoice. -
Vault Prize PoolWe also host a monthly prize pool. The more customers use your modules, the bigger the piece you get from the pie. Every first of the month a new pool is hosted, and the authors receive an Invoice on their billing page automatically.
We measure when customers send campaigns. -
Live PreviewsBeing an author provides a feature in the editor to convert your template to a Live Preview, which you can host on third party marketplaces.
The responsibility and support relies at you.
Upload and Verification
You can upload your modules on the Manage Modules page (link temporary hidden). Every module requires to be uploaded separately. Here are some things to keep in mind before uploading modules:
Host Images On Your ServerPlease, make sure before submitting modules that the images in your modules are hosted on your own server. After approval, we download and host them on our servers automatically.
Theme NameA Theme Name is required. Submitting modules under the same Theme Name will bind them together. For example, naming 10 of your modules Nova will add the option to view them as a template in The Vault.
Module TypeA Module Type is required. Customers are able to search for specific modules, such as a Header, Columns with 2 cells, Footer, etc. But we also detect whether your modules with the same Theme Name contain every of the required module types, in order to receive the Template bonus.
TagsTags are required. This way we can categorize modules. There's quite a selection of tags availabe to choose from and you're not limited to 1.
Module HTMLA HTML File is required. We do a basic check to see if the uploaded HTML is compatible for the editor. It will return an success or error message depending on the results of the check.
Note: Any module submitted will be reviewed closely.
The required StampReady framework is simple and straight forward. One of the important things is that we clear any floating tables for mobile when it reaches a max width of 640 pixels.
Download and review the StampReady Framework here.
Download an example of a column module here.
@media screen and (max-width: 640px)This is the point where the template will try to render for mobile.
table.center-float, td.center-floatThese classes will clear any floats for mobile.
a[x-apple-data-detectors]Prevents automatically converting certain text to blue links on Apple devices.
u + #body aPrevents automatically converting certain text to blue links in Gmail.
table.rowChanges the format to 100% width when it tries to render on mobile.